Bandits of Rome
Bandits of Rome, sequel to the Amazon number 1 bestselling Watchmen of Rome, is out today on Amazon. Two five star reviews already! Download for only £1.99 UK here or $3.10 here
Bandits of Rome, sequel to the Amazon number 1 bestselling Watchmen of Rome, is out today on Amazon. Two five star reviews already! Download for only £1.99 UK here or $3.10 here
Some flash fiction I composed for twitter last night, mostly teasers for the forthcoming novel, Carbo. 140 characters or less – if you have a literary bent but only 2 minutes to write in, give it a try. Feel free to add your efforts here under comments, ideally Roman themed.
Elissa watched the moloch burn. The Lord and Lady would have their true sacrifice soon, and Carthage would be avenged.
“The Emperor asked me, what is the most painful method of self-castration,” said the soldier. “What do you say to that?”
Vespillo dragged the coughing child from the burning insula. Her mother screamed in relief. “And they call us Little Bucket Boys.”
Carbo looked into her eyes, wanting to kiss her, and felt conflicted. Was she a slave, or a real person?
Instead of working on my novel today, I’ve been working on this website instead. Carbo of Rome is a flawed and troubled veteran of the Roman legions. Living and mixing with the poorest and roughest elements of Roman society, far removed from the palaces and villas of the elite, Carbo tries to cope with his inner demons. When the daughter of an old comrade comes to him for help, Carbo is oath bound to assist. With the help of Vespillo, his friend in the vigiles, Imperial Rome’s night watch and firefighters, Carbo investigates her plight, and uncovers a conspiracy that threatens Rome’s very existence.
This novel is envisaged as the first of a series of action adventures featuring Carbo.
I am now 50,000 words into the first draft, and the writing seems to be flowing. Must be careful not to spend too much time updating this site though!
Roman Lives, Life in Rome - by Alex Gough
Read my free articles about Clodia / Lesbia and Ancient Roman love magic here